oh gosh . today its like . a slacking and dam relaxed day . dam tired .. okays . lets start from morning ..
In the morning during assembly I WAS LOST ! bcoz i couldnt find shun yu =x den cnt find d class . lols . den found jeannette telling me whr d class is . lols . dam it . i shd b more responsible . shun yu is currently my direction for class position during assembly period . mayb i shd find a new one .. ming sheng is tall . lols .. during assembly melvin was suan-ing me as usual . bcoz i said dat i couldnt hear him sing d national anthem den he was like " I SING WITH MY HEART . can u hear it ? oh yeah . what could u hear " den i was like . dun insult someone dat was previously in choir :D den he was giving dat shocked face tho he knew from d start i was in choir during sec sch " omg ?! u were in choir . i din noe .. jeannette . yeahs . i knew it . she was in choir . but u .. " dam it . feel like hitting him .
after assembly , we went to our class .. den was looking through d NUS booklet .. firstly i highlighted all the courses i could take in uni .. DAM LITTLE ! without chem ure nth ! haix . so sad . shd have taken chem .. but i took computing . darn .. computing has proven to b not as easy as it seems . ok back to d point . firstly , medicine OUT ! din wanted that either . DENTIST OUT ! oso nt interested in dat . chemical enginnering , environmental engineering was out . oh well .. actually i wasnt interested in those options . but i juz felt sad that i couldnt take dem . human r liddat . always doing tis kind of tngs . always feel that u dun have enuf . oh yeahs . dad asked me to take a double degree . so i was scanning thru dem . perhaps i would try . but d combinations r kinda weird . lols . mayb shd find a double degree that has both computing component and business computing in it . lols .
den was like looking at d " tuition fees " at first i was dam shock . wa . tuition fees so ex sia . how can b . den school fees how ? den jolene was like laughing beside me . " eng hwee arhs . in uni , dey dun call it sch . dey call it tuition . " den i was feeling so dumb . LOL .. ok .. annual tuition fees . most ex . MEDICINE WITH $97,730 . seriously . i noe dat doctor earns alot . but how d hell can u cough up so much money for ure education . so i concluded dat medicine = scholarship . unless ure dam rich or u have a scholarship . if not give it up . its too ex for u . now i understand wad dey mean by . some ppl wan study also no money study la . lols . after medicine getting 2nd position was music . lucky i was musically incline . $54,480 . its quite ex . its like uh .. $4540 per mth ! imagine u study for 4 years .. means its .. $217,920 . its only IF d prices dun go up . but dats impossible . but wait . think abt those studying medicine .. dey nid to pay $390,920 IN 4 YEARS . dats dam cool . i mean . whr d hell u can find dat much money . DING . scholarships . hahas .. so ppl hu want to b doctors . aim high , study hard from young !
business is $25,540 . one of d least . dats great ! bcoz i wanted business . n its not dat ex . but if im gona take a 2nd degree . that might b a problem . lucky i understood d importance of saving since young . gona work aft a lvls too . muz help to pay some of my sch fees . cnt stress out my mum n dad too much . imagine being in their shoes . even if business that is d least amount but $102,160 is 4 years is NOT little . mayb d amt i put in is little . but if only it can take away some burden on their shoulders . and this is my education . actually i shd pay for it . but mum n dad dun wry . chinese ppl treat filial piety d most important factor in ppl's character development . and i aint lacking those . so gona make sure my parents live in well during retirement ! :D
after that jennifer was saying she was gona stay in hostel . den i was looking at d payment . $400 for a mth . well . dats quite ok . since u live near d sch n everytng . but im not gona do dat . i mean jennifer is doing dat bcoz she's currently living in her aunt hse . so living in hostel seems normal . but me ? i live in singapore with my parents . so have to stay by my parents side ! i cnt bare not to see dem for a day ! even when i go camps will tink abt my family ! n of coz my bed =x home is d best ! bcoz dere r ure loved ones in dere . not juz an empty hse but a home filled with love care n nagginess =x but dats juz deir way of caring isnt it . imagine one day ure parents dun care abt u anymore . seriously i would b dam sad !
ok .. d rest of d period we were doing computing tutorials . ahh ! i feel dam weak . its like i dun even understand d qns . how m i gona fare for exams ! suddenly rmb ytd shannon was saying . i tink d qns r set by mr ho . dats y we dun understand dem . lols . so bad sia =x but .. kinda agree . hehe ..
after that was chinese . actually i feel dat chinese in jc is not bad . my teacher is nice . she let us do work during class so we dun nid go home n stress . bcoz she noe dat we have other subjects to wry on . yupp . and after chinese was BREAK ! yays !
3 hours of long break was spent eating .. den helped jolene for her speech . EVERYONE VOTE FOR JOLENE IN COUNCIL ! muz vote arhs ! :D oh yeahs . ibrahim n hausnain was like going ard n shouting VOTE FOR JOLENE LIM IN 112 for council . den she was so paiseh . after that ibrahim n husnain went to library . den ash n me were helping jolene tink . den ash was like dam funny la . he said mayb u can try to give out sweets . den jolene added on .. yeahs . den put laxatives rite ! den when dey go toilet . den i was like . u btr start printing ure name on toilet rolls . LOL . den ash said btr stil . when dey close d door dey see ure poster at d cubicle door . vote for jolene . LOL .. ash also suggested that pasting her photo next to mas selemat . den ppl will den noe abt her . dam funny la . we were suggesting all kinds of stupid ideas . OH YEAH . husnain gt a chinese name by jolene . ha-si-ni . it means laugh until die . its like dam funny la . but husnain was like . hey dats cool . den i was like . uh cool . laugh until u die . LOL .. its not cool .. but its funny . dats obvious . but he accepted d name . so dats ok . n shannon gt a new nick . CHIO BU . den husnain declared that in our class dere is only one girl and its shannon . ibrahim was like . ok . im gona call shannon tonite . dam funny la .
after break was COMPUTING . actually i tot it was boring theory . BUT PRACTICAL . finally . but d tng dat made me angry was . WE SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON D TUTORIALS . den he nv go thru . ahhh ! dam angry la . lols . during computing it was d start of d crapness . bcoz d class is small . so when u talk basically d whole class can hear . den suddenly jia kiang asked ming sheng . heys . how to compile arhs . den i was like laughing like mad la . compiling is like d basic . i tink rly too long nv do practical alr . LOL .. den shun yu was like eh dun laugh la . but he himself is laughing . dam funny . den after that jolene was getting scary amount of errors . den she kept asking shannon to help her . den shannon started to get pissed off . JOLENE DAM FUNNY LA . she tot she was seeing double as she was tired , but actually she rly typed double . lols .. she rly .. dam funny . den dey were all crazy over jolene . dam funny . den i was dere saying " eh dun liddat la . very few ppl can b like her d ok . " LOL . den everyone laugh like siao . even jolene herself was like laughing like mad . shannon was starting to get fed up den said jolene . can u please press only ONE semicolon after each sentence . lols . apparenly she typed 2 . den she tot she was see-ing double . ahahas .. next d best part . shun yu was like asking mr ho " MR HO HOW TO SWITCH ON D COM " OMG . dats d best la . i tink cnt even take computing alr . its like muz learn d basics . when is d com power switch all tis . our class dam funny la . cnt stand alr .
after that was maths . going crazy again . husnain was like going crazy over d black hole tng . inviting jeannette to d black hole coz dey said dat she resemble a goth . whatever is dat . some emo person or smth . den i was like . uh . black hole ? its made up of nothing rite ? den he had dat omg face den started bursting out in laughters . d whole maths period we dam noisy . keep laughing . den ibrahim turned ard n say . at least its sucks up everytng rite . lols . den i was like ok cool . husnain was impressed with dat answer . oh yeahs . he started to paint d members of d black hole with black marker . den i was like " husnain . dun b like tis . i introduce u a manicure shop ok . dun do tis to ureself " lols . den he was like .. ok fine . but he started colouring ibrahim's nail . den wanted to force jeannette to let him colour her nail too . den he was like " melvin can u help me grab her hand " den melvin was like . ok . i try . jeannette can u like help also ? dun make me go down dere . LOL . sounded dam wrong la . actually jeannette placed her hand on her lap . dats why . dam funny la . oh yeahs . den we passed ard ibrahim's calculator on it was " ibrahim is gay " den he was like . whats on it ? lols .. den we husnain said " oh we give u a hint .. it starts with a g n end with a y . n d middle is a . den he was acting n like . uh guy ? LOL .. dam funny .. den it passed ard for quite a long time . den he was WHR IS MY CALCULATOR . den d cher was like stop making so much noise . den ibrahim replied saying sir i nid my calculator dats y . den melvin passed him his . den ibrahim answered . oh its ok now . i have a new calculator . its like dam funny la . d scene . rofl . cnt stand . oh yar . jeannette she best la . coz chee wee was passing ard a piece of paper . den if want d black file for gp den write d name . den jeannette was like . whats d colour of d black file . she was asking me dat . DEN I WAS LIKE . WHATS D COLOUR OF A BLACK FILE . BLACK LA . den she was like . laughing like mad . den husnain n ibrahim started with their joke again . ibrahim was like " ok . so d colour of d black file is black . den whats d colour of d red file ? " den husnain was like . ok . let me guess . dats rly hard u noe . actually at dat point . it wasnt funny . den i was saying " uh . actually its not dat funny " den husanin was like . oh . ok . ibrahim is trying his best . LOL . ibrahim apparently lost his sense of humour and all d jokes he is trying to crack aint rly funny . but hm .. try harder yeahs . lols .
oh yeahs . im in canberra hse :D mayb canberra wins d champion hse tis year ! cheerios ..
p.s. i updated d photo links at d sidebar >>>>>>
how many times was this . how many times everything would repeat all over again . its my fault that i couldnt accept things . its just that i feel that no1 aint enuf to enter my world yet . getting over everything is part of life . apologies . doesnt really help afterall isnt it ...
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