Thursday, July 09, 2009

Friends, they can't be replaced

Seems like chatting with a mature person can make you think more. Well well, thanks to MingSheng I've realized and understood a lot of stuff in the past few hours. Reflecting on everything that I've done, others have and the surroundings, I've learnt many things.

I've realised that I'm really what they've said. A pampered kid, not family-wise though. I've been pampered from young, by my friends. Always not being satisfied and all, but it seems that the insensitive one was me all along. Everyone was there, beside me to help me when I fall, I was the selfish one, not wanting to accept any help from others. I thought that I was the victim, no one wants to be there for me. I thought I was calling out yet no one was there.

I was wrong. I've realised that. I hope it's not too late yet. My friends were always the one who didn't give up, always paying attention to what I say. Because I kept it all in my heart, didn't want to find someone to talk to. When I finally found a source to let it all out, which was blogger, they paid attention to what I posted though I didn't realize in the start. Everything I said, even if they didn't say anything, it meant something to them.

For them, I'm grateful. At least someone hears me. I was the one who didn't realize all along. Insensitive I was, never wanting to trust anyone. Bottling it all up though they have pleaded so much to confide in them. I've really reflected. I won't be so selfish anymore. I bet they felt that I weren't treating them as real friends. It wasn't them all along, it was me.

I apologize for all I've done. They were the ones who accepted me for who I was. They tried to understand all my actions and thoughts even though once and once again I've hurt them. For all that I've done in the past, those mistakes that I can't undo. I won't do them again. Thanks people . I love all of you. You know it, even if I don't say.

That's what makes you special in my life (:

1 comment:

Lamist said...

xD in school now. ahhas.
jyjy my husband! =x
have fun in school! i support u mentally from here xP