Wednesday, January 18, 2006

today gt choir..den all e secs 1s came so nice =D den smth funi happened..because dere was a doll which is mine..nt was i mean is coz i stil hav it..den dere is a rubber tingy dat is wif e string dere.this rubber tingy is those like u put at e glass den it will stick dere de..den i gt a compass ma..e maths compass dat one..i put it thru e stick tingy den i made it stick on e my water bottle..i mean wen jia stick it dere den call mei sitting in front of me to see.WEn jia hold e compass den like nt facing e water bottle lo..den dam funi..lolz mei tot y it can stick den tot my water bottle gt hole de den she try use e compass poke my water bottle..-_- funi sia.. den sharine n pauline said a joke but different versions de..quite funi..pauline de is LAME!!

sharine de:
dere are three ppl..e only way to save demself is to jump down a cliff den e first man jump down n said ala which is god in malay e 2nd person which is a chinese said guan yin ma also a chinese god den both of dem survive..e 3 rd person..which is a indian said all e god's names den gt alot ma den by e time he say finish he died =x(kinda racist hor >
pauline de:
dere are three ppl..e only way to save demself is to jump down a cliff den e first man jump down n said ala which is god in malay e 2nd person which is a chinese said guan yin ma also a chinese god den both of dem survive..e 3 rd person..din say any god name coz he tot e first two ppl de god would protect him so he died..LAME HOR..lolz ><

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