Sunday, April 20, 2008

today met up with my project work members namely yang jie, ming sheng, ash and chen hong . the only problem with our group is that each member is crappy . including me of course . we were supposed to meet at 3pm at amk library . in the end we only started discussing our project like 2 hours later ?

when we chose amk library we decided to change place as many people did not know how to go there . chen hong was the best . yang jie called and told him its amk library but when he called me he said he was at woodlands library . best la . LOL . after that we went amk hub and started to look for a place to settle down . in the end we went to ming sheng's suggested location void deck x.x its like ahh !

the tables are so dirty. Not forgetting to mention that i got so many mosquito bites ! ><" when we arrived at the void deck we were like saying . there's only four chairs but we have five members . then ming sheng was like . just grab a chair from the other table . of course we can .. if the chair is PORTABLE . look at it !

its nailed into the ground . so ming sheng is going to use his superpowers and grab a chair from the other table ? LOL . in the end we spent quite a lot of time just to come out with our GPP ><" well . but its a great idea in the end suggested by ash . which everyone agreed to it :DD after that we went to the playground nearby . apparently they do not have childhood ><"

chen hong was so excited that he climbed up the playground immediately.

ming sheng the second excited one x.x

its like . you look ! they are even taller than the playground the thing . i mean the " second " level of the playground ..

ash doing pull ups . its really >.>" i was there telling chen hong . if you can do one im sure i can do one too . apparently im too confident of myself . i mean he looked so sickly and all . but he can do it x.x ok fine . pretend i didn't dare him ><"

chen hong treating the slide as his bed ..

after that we went home ! :DD

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