Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Piercing my ear..

First thing i wanna say and that is..It is very pain..Thought i was going to die..
Haha..just kidding.Well it is painful when the earring goes through your skin but after that,it is not pain at all already.I went to joy clinic to pierce my ear for the first time of my life,which means,i am very nevrous and scared.I don't know how pain it would be but,It means earrings..Well piercing ur ear is a part of growing up.It means taking up challnges and everything..But you heard the saying that it will be hardship first but later,it will be harvest.So piercing your ear is the same logic..When u pierce it is hardship for 1 month coz u r not suppose to take out the earring for obe whole month but after that,you can wear all sorts of earrings which means you will be more confident..Haha..thats what i think.I don't noe what about you so i hope after you read tis post,u will post your comments here.Thz!!

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