Sunday, June 29, 2008

sometimes i wonder what's the point of treating people better . even when you treat them better they do not appreciate it and even take advantage of it . seriously it disgusts me . i remembered that we were taught to repay people's kindness and never to take advantage of it . why aren't we even practicing what we preach ? aren't we just completely contradicting ourselves ?

when you treat someone better, they should then appreciate it . the person giving out would then feel happy that he or she is even appreciated . then they would in the end still continue to do this . if instead of appreciating it, you still take it for granted it would seriously depress the person making the effort .

why can't some people just put themselves in the shoes of the person ? would you feel good if your actions aren't appreciated and even being taken for granted ? how would you feel deep inside ? then you would even think " whats the point of doing this ? i might as well be mean and not be taken advantage of " ..

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