Saturday, August 16, 2008

tarot readings ..

when you're bored, you would start doing stupid things . i was bored in the morning . couldn't sleep . kept tossing and turning so i gave up sleeping and switched on my laptop . my mind wandered around and landed on tarot readings . sometimes i wonder how accurate are they . for the past hour i was so bored that i visited almost 20 - 30 tarot sites .

the scary thing is .. its quite accurate in someway . somehow no matter how many times i try, even at different sites, i would get the same reading . its quite freaky .

well .. the most frequent one was tension . guess that depicts my situation now . stress and more stress . way to solve it .its time to relax . let go of yourself . do something wild, do something that you have been craving for a long time or something that you know you would enjoy .. haven't thought of it yet .

and the card for fear section is always the same . insecurity . confusion . unable to make choices . lost .. i guess that reflects what i am feeling right now .

outside which means the people around you or surroundings . strength and hinders . some are providing me with strength . perhaps the strength to move on ? im not sure . hinders . beware of the people around you . ensure that they are truly friends and not just near you to take advantage of you or even making you land in your current situation . i don't really want to believe in this . friends are people who would help you right ? backstabbers . the lot i hate and fear the most ..

current situation . regretting over a choice that i have made in the past . how to improve on it . don't dwell on the past and move on . someone . teach me how to do that will ya ?

the outcome is always the same too . happiness would be coming my way . seriously . i don't see it . i hope it comes soon . i hope all these would end because i can't take it anymore .

its weird . all the readings i get are positive . so positive till it doesn't even reflect on me but seems like its on someone else instead . yet all the readings are the same even from other websites . either whatever thats determining the tarot cards have gotten the wrong girl or its really my reading and i just can't accept it now . take this one for instance ..

Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her.
Just for now, leave the worries of the world behind. Live fully in the present. Even a few moments of such deep ease can seep into and change your life. If you are not experiencing the joy promised in the Six of Cups, you might look to your memories for such a time. In fact, this is traditionally the card of nostalgia, looking back on happier days. But more than just longing for a perfect and irretrievable time, reminiscing can help you draw insight from the past to enrich the present. Forgotten dreams may resurface with renewed potential. Remember, the innocence and simple joys of youth are always available within.

the joy in memories .. and dwell on the past even further ? guess its a little dumb . live fully in the present . live fully what ? i can't even move on right now ..

Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
New energies are coming in and sparking rapid growth. Pathways are opening, speeding progress toward your goals. Opportunity may arrive at your door in the form of a letter, phone call, or surprise visitor. Under these exciting new influences, creativity and inspiration can flourish. This sudden burst of activity can be refreshing after a period of delay or stagnation. With all this potential in the air, now is a good time to take risks and initiate activities. As everything moves fast with this card, be prepared. You may need to respond with mercurial swiftness.

sense the irony in this . i can't sense it . so .. i guess i should just accept and believe it ?

Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
The Seer of Pentacles describes a studious person with great focus and determination. Though you may find her reflected in another, she surely points to aspects of yourself to pay attention to.

uh .. what ? im going to become studious soon ? i hope so . promos are coming -.-

Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question.
If you are feeling overburdened, ask yourself: What are my most important goals? How and when can I meet them? Are there any responsibilities that I can let go of? You may have to admit that there are commitments you no longer have the energy to sustain. If you don’t prioritize, your excitement may turn into resentment, and you may find that you no longer have time for the things that are most important to you.

see ! another reading that explains my current situation . freakingly accurate . well .. what are my important goals right now . PROMOS of course ! responsibilites i can let go off .. i have no idea what else im responsible of . can't possibly ask me to give up studying for promos yeah ? commitments i don't have the energy to sustain . i guess .. i get it now .

Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question .
Times are hard. You may be homeless, jobless, or suffering from illness. Financial stress may be causing terrible anxiety. It may seem like your troubles have been around for so long that they’ll never end. Misjudging the reliability of others, including institutions of church or state, may have left you out in the cold, grappling with an understandable collapse of faith in society. Whoever let you down, now is not the time to try to heal rifts in your relationships or to look for outside assistance. You’ll have to draw on your own resources to make it through.

see how true it is . scary yeah . times ARE hard and i can't move on . i have to make it through myself ? thats even more tough =/

Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Don’t be surprised at her frankness; the Seer of Wands is not one to mince words! Her hot temper and impulsiveness will get her into all kinds of trouble. Filled with the youthful notion that she is indestructible, she can be daring to the point of danger. This spunky girl may not be practical, but her enthusiasm is worth encouraging. It will lead her to her true calling. Maturity and responsibility can come later. This Seer may represent a bold person in your life, or she may be asking you to nurture your own adventurous spirit.

huh ? -.- don't get it ~ someone interpret for me ? im supposed to nuture my own adventurous spirit and this card its sheds light on my past .. so .. ><" ? somehow they don't link do they ? oh . i get it now . my problem was caused because i didn't do whatever was on my mind yet i kept to my principles instead and thus leading to this question im asking . well . i realised this long ago . but now its too late to do anything .. Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
The Sage of Wands may appear in your life as a dynamic and commanding person. He may also symbolize a fiery and ambitious part of yourself or advise you to call upon your own leadership abilities.

eh ? why can't they be easier to interpret ! ahh ~ let me think . hm .. lets underline the keywords . im kidding ! okok .. lets see .. advise me to call upon my own leadership abilities and it have to link to my past . something just doesn't seem to link here . wow . im burning calories by thinking hard on this . can burn off the fats i gained from long john silver yesterday . oh wait . now i realised that for the whole day yesterday i ate a slice of oat and wheat bread for breakfast . a bun and green bean paste stuff that jolene brought to school . and dinner was long john silvers . not much calories i need to burn off yeah ? i guess i already burnt most of them off with the crunches in dance, the random frisbee, a round around the track and also badminton . oh not forgetting the craziness in physics just for u program .

Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
The Seer of Cups encourages you to spend time alone journaling, dreaming, or exploring nature. She may describe an introspective person in your life, and almost certainly points to qualities worth nurturing within yourself right now.

introspective . so im supposed to reflect on my actions ? ><" hm .. im already doing it . but how to solve it would be a better answer to the question i posed . Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
The heart’s yearning for a deeper meaning cannot be ignored. The Eight of Cups calls you to begin a spiritual quest, to withdraw your energy from the world to be more present with your inner life. Whether you hike up the Himalayas or retreat to your room, give yourself plenty of time alone. Creative solitude is the single most important thing that will help replenish your joy in living. You may also bring back greater self-awareness, spiritual insights, and possibly a whole new set of values.

.. ? so im supposed to coop myself in my room or what x.x

This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.
Bringing your visions down to earth requires choosing among the brimming cups. Are you following your dreams or just dreaming? Balancing your creative inspiration with some practicality can transform what is now only wishful thinking into reality.

so .. this last card is telling me to pursue whatever my dreams are ? can transform wishful thinking into reality . okays . why not give me more details ! how am i supposed to know how can i get what i want -_-" i guess i have to figure out myself ..

credits :
im trying so hard to understand but i have to admit
im no mind reader ..
i can't understand if you don't say them or express them in anyway

forget it ..
since the doors have long closed on me

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